Your Story

Oct 3, 2021


Your Body Tells a Story

Everyday there is an inarguable truth... that truth is...your body tells your story. That story is the sum of everything you have done physically in your life. Aside from unique situations or sicknesses, your body is the sum of everything you have done to it. Your body tells us the story of your diet, your physical preparedness, for athletes, your training up to game day. 

You see we can't fake being in shape. Your body is a direct reflection on what you have done up to this point. That's it, every day is the final page in that book. Every tomorrow is the "to be continued". The beautiful thing is that we can change. We are so resillient. Think of all the life events that we go through. Births, deaths, sickness, sadness, the ups and downs....but here we are. Here we are with our destiny in our hands.  How will you rewrite your story as it goes? Will it be filled with can be! Will you have the body you always wanted... you can! Will you be the person you want to be....YOU HAVE THE ABILITY!

So how will you finish your story? What do you want to accomplish? Share your story and what you want your " be continued" to look like. Your individual " be continued" is the most beautiful part of humanity. We control our destiny. 
