You Don't Know What You Don't Know

Mar 21, 2022

I feel as if there's a stigma in the gym. That asking questions is a bad thing, that not knowing everything when you walk in the gym is something to be embarrassed of. I think one of the biggest things that I try to do, and something we work hard to do at CORE 4, is to create an environment that gets rid of all that. 
When I first started on my fitness journey, and even to this day, I've always wanted to know more. For years I would go online and look up workouts or watch YouTube videos and then go to the gym the next day and try them. But the most important thing I've always done, is go up to people and ask questions. Most of the best lessons I've learned at the gym all came by me simply asking a question. I guess I was lucky for never feeling weird about doing it, I was never someone who felt like asking a question meant anything except that I had an opportunity to learn something that might help me.  
Now if that person has an answer to your question or if it's an answer worth listening to is a completely different story. There were plenty of people that I double checked at home later online, and even in that scenario they still became a reason for me to research something new. 
So the next time you see someone doing an exercise you've never seen before that you think looks cool, or you're not sure if you're doing an exercise right, please don't be afraid to ask someone. I think you'll come to find out that most people are excited to share their knowledge, and you may even make a new friend out of it! Especilally at CORE 4! The trainers are always excited to share their knowledge and help you out. We pride ourselves in providing a safe and open environment where our members are comfortable enough to ask questions and learn! If this is an environment that you are looking for in a gym shoot us an email to set up your free consultation!
-Coach Jay