Case of the Mondays

Oct 10, 2022

 by Kevin Dean

I could sit here with a motivational quote, some half assed plagiarized attempt to motivate you this morning. But, I think this needs to come from the heart sometimes.

  I laid there last night looking at the ceiling at like 2 a.m. I thought about the week to come, the long hours, the emails, and everything in between. Then I rolled over, and that sweet little two year old face was there in bed with me. KICKING me right in the gut. Even so, I let the bad stuff go. I remember my "WHY". On the other side of this drunken octopus of a child is my future wife. Life is about perspective. The angst of the week is what woke me up. The gratitude I have for the life I have been blessed with is what got me back to sleep. If you can't be grateful for what you have, you will always focus on the negative. Look at your life, love the good, and make steps to change what you don't like. Even though I'm tired, I'm alive, I'm well, and I'm grateful


Good Morning Core 4 Fam! Let's Crush the week!